Valheim Builds / Other

Kitbash Pack

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Level 18 : Journeyman Raspberry
Hello, here is a pack of kitbashed items to use in your builds. Includes things like a pre-made Anvil containing the smaller ones clipped inside, also in marble, a pre-made "Oven" station that has all but one of the cauldron upgrades, with a storage box acting as the "oven". A fancy looking Double Forge, as well as a snazzy looking charcoal kiln. Also featuring my **NEW AND IMPROVED** EITR-O-MATIC, which promises up to 70% 100%! safer Eitr refining! Like my build pack, this will be an ongoing WIP, and I will update it when I make new bashes, though there's only so much you can do with this that looks cool or is relevant.

**32 Bashes So Far**

Mods I use (but maybe haven't here{yet!})
Odin Clutter
Odin Architect
Odin Kingdom
Missing Pieces-BentoG
More Gates- Thordomr
Dvergr Pieces - Tequila
Progress100% complete

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