Valheim Builds / Advanced Base

Lin's Japanese themed base called Kuzuri

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Level 43 : Master Warrior
Hello lovely people.

I figured while I was at it with the mansion, I might aswell upload this one aswel as a vbuild for those who would wish to have this in their world.

You will need a reasonable flat area thats atleast 36 x 60 2m beams (yes I know.. that's a lot)

If you need any help with something please don't hesitate to ask.

This build means something special to me. It was build in a time where I crawled out of a very dark place and it gave me happiness back. Lots of emotions went into this. I hope it will do the same for you.

Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Lin 05/10/2021 3:14:31 pmMay 10th, 2021

Added a mini guide how to make the lantarns that I created in this build. It's in images.

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05/11/2021 2:54 am
Level 1 : New Viking
Such a beautiful design

The flat area is huge. Could you help us out by telling us the seed and the co-ordinates of where you built this?
I have tried to get enough flat land but it's hard to find an area so big.
Thanks in advance.
05/27/2021 4:13 pm
Level 43 : Master Warrior
I added a screenshot from the map where I have build this, on the image is the Seed. Hope you are still planning on building it.

05/13/2021 2:31 pm
Level 43 : Master Warrior
i am SOOO sorry it took 2 days to get back to you. Been so busy I forgot to check here. I can give you the seed and the coordinations. Have to check hold on... Will edit this message.. Just wanted to say sorry first.
05/08/2021 5:13 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Viking Beast
B.e.a.uuuuu tiful. Lots of details to learn from your builds, small and large. A simple example; the concept of placing a smooth stone under a natural stone to feature it. So easy, so nice. Another, making a bridge with beams is both clean and give you a lot of control over it's path. I could see these working well in a tree house build.

Then there's everything else about your build to learn from :D Inspiring work!
05/10/2021 3:12 pm
Level 43 : Master Warrior
aw thanks. That's a lot of nice things you are pointing out. I could add a mini guide on how to build the lantarns. They're fun to play around with in all kinds of other settings and combinations.

Realy nice to read you are inspired. Love that.
05/08/2021 8:04 am
Level 45 : Master Ghost
As i already told you, but let the world see. Astonishing work you pulled of here. It's humbling to compare this against my clumsy tries of beautiful.
