Valheim Builds / Tavern

Outpost Tavern

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Sven of Undenfell
Level 31 : Artisan Viking
This tavern is based in Svendisfarm (My name is 'Sven', dis farm is mine..Many villages and outpost follow the same quirky theme!)has been inspired by the Vanilla game buildings in the draugr village. These are great building which are worth repairing or doing as I have done here.
This is the first build where I have taken advantage of the 'clutter' mod. Its a great mod which everyone should have if you are into modding. There is a lot I we will not use but there is a lot we will. If you are into building a quest based game, its a must have.
Tavern includes the Marketplace NPC as the tavern is located 1 'in-game' day of sailing to reach from the main town of Undenfell.
All materials are vanilla resourced, no creative build commands, up to Iron Age resources used.
I have tried something different with the fit-out of the kitchen as far as the half wall goes and a few of the external walls for a different look. Still not completely ok with the rear of the Yarls seating but if you can come up with something, please adjust and send some photos. Always appreciated.

Available for download.

Progress100% complete

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04/04/2024 10:49 am
Level 1 : New Builder
Sven of Undenfell
04/10/2024 2:58 am
Level 31 : Artisan Viking
Sorry, really do not understand what you mean by 'list requirements'.
The detailed description covers all you need to know.
JP Valheim
06/06/2023 9:18 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Lox
I love the thumbnail for this, the image looks bright and really beautiful!
Sven of Undenfell
06/06/2023 11:09 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Viking
Thanks JP,
Its a great spot on our seed. Really enjoyed the fitout(adding interior content)and the few little changes to walls on this one. I plan on loading more up but nothing massive. Just smaller builds and items that can be added to a yaml file for resets and new worlds to add a bit of colour.
Are you using the Honeyplus mod?
JP Valheim
06/07/2023 8:26 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Lox
I haven't heard about Honeyplus, tell me about it! I mostly use infinity hammer, planbuild, and sometimes upgrade world.
Sven of Undenfell
06/07/2023 7:34 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Viking
Honey plus is all about expanding recipes for honey but also creating new work zone for honey based meals like deer jerky/honey glazed sausages/miso soup to name a few. There are many more to discover as we move on from Iron age (which we should be doing soon).I have modified the base cfg for the mod so it is a little more challenging. There are a few meals which are on the workbench which I have moved over to cauldron, minor adjustment to rate of health and stamina, honey requirements for meals.
The addition of the Apiary has really added some great scope to the game. It allows you to build a dedicated Apiary in your bee garden if you wish.
We run this with 'Odins barrels' and 'Odins horses'. Really has added a lot to our little village. I will load up photo's and a build file for you to check out but it is available on r2modman and is dependency for a mod pack we run.

