Valheim Builds / Building

Repaired ingame buildings

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Level 58 : Grandmaster Raven
Hope it's okay to post this because it's not "my" content, I had fun doing it anyway. These are ingame structures I repaired in the best way possible with only having bits and pieces to go on. Some things make no sense, some things I made making sense. The castle is still partly broken, maybe I find the courage one day to try to make it complete. The "downstairs" is one of those stairs into a stone pit into the ground, the outer ring of this will fall apart without a stability mod.

I might have missed 1 or 2, still need the camp with 3 shelters, but if I run into them, I'll add them. Still need to add a few more pictures.

Some of the buildings still have their treasure chest with loot in there, so have fun with that gift :)
Progress75% complete

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02/21/2022 1:08 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Greyling
Cool, I've rebuild the "draugr" villages so many times before I realized they are a great farming area lols
