Valheim Builds / Temple

Stave Kirke

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Level 26 : Expert Raven
A much smaller version of the Stave Kirke i've posted previously.

One small door for wedding ceremonies or to enter for worship.

Two larger doors on the sides for funerals or also entrance for worship.

Reach out to me on discord! I love to see what other players do with my buildings!

Progress100% complete

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Berserk The Builder
08/24/2023 4:47 am
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Mare Beserker
This one is true viking temple :D Great work !!

tip, you can hide hud while making shoots by (ctr + f3)
08/27/2023 7:29 am
Level 26 : Expert Raven
Thank you friend. If you enjoyed this one you might enjoy the larger kirke I built some time ago.

Also, thank you for the tip! I was always curious how people did that.
