Valheim Builds / Temple

Óðinshof (Stave Kirke)

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Level 26 : Expert Raven

Óðinshof (Hall of Óðin)

Stave Kirke (Hard wood Church) i made a while back. Fourth picture is me standing out front for height reference.

If you have downloaded this to use for PlanBuild, be aware. At the very peak there is black marble to achieve the pointed part. In order to get this part to stay you need to fly up there and position yourself up against it. Then, in the console, type "Spawn Rock_Destructable"
This will help the black marble pieces stay foundational.

Reach out to me on discord! I love to see what other players do with my buildings!
Progress100% complete

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08/30/2023 12:06 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Raspberry
this is one of my favorite builds so far, really good work! one smol smol problem tho is the blueprint has the build so high up in the air! very easy fix by using a center point marker. thanks for sharing!
07/19/2023 2:22 pm
Level 1 : New Builder
Love this! Made one myself, Heddal Stavechurch, was a fun build :)
07/17/2023 3:32 am
Level 1 : New Viking
This looks amazing! Any chance a blueprint file will be available in the future?
