Valheim Builds / Artistic

The Tesseract

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Level 11 : Journeyman Viking
Please let me know what you think.

If anyone does download this here are some pointers.
1. There is no doors. I meant for this to be like a mages tower area so you will have to make a portal inside and outside.
2. It is all structurally sound so you can just place it on whatever surface as long as its all touching the ground.
3. I do have another file that is all blank on the inside if people would want that as well. Please leave a comment if that is the case.
Progress100% complete

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04/01/2021 11:49 pm
Level 29 : Expert Troll
Looks like the Allspark from the transformers lol just saying haha but beautiful still !!!
04/02/2021 12:16 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Viking
Haha honestly didn’t even think about that but yea it kinda does. I saw something on Pinterest and just felt like a glowing cube was different yet unique in the world of valheim. I’m working on another build currently once I finish some other projects
03/31/2021 4:33 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Viking Beast
Whoa that looks awesome! I not even sure what it's made out of. Cube of iron gates surrounding bonfires??

Noticed you took these with your phone. Here's a tutorial on taking screenshots in Valheim that you might be interested in. Thanks for sharing!
03/31/2021 5:54 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Viking
Thanks! Yes at the time I took this photo I was showing a friend. It’s mainly iron beams and wood with the wall mounted torches. I’ll have to take further pictures of the inside later
03/31/2021 8:11 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Viking Beast
Oh sweet baby Odin! It's even more insane inside!
