Valheim Builds / Other

The Ultimate Tiny Home in Valheim! Blueprint Available!

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MythicBuilds's Avatar MythicBuilds
Level 45 : Master Builder
I built this small house and tried to fit in all the utility and storage I could, using the Tiny Home challenge as a guideline!

The Tiny Home Rules:
No digging
Ground floor must be 3x4 standard floor tiles (6x8 meters)
Fireplaces are allowed to extend into an external alcove
1 extra floor is allowed, which may jetty into a 4x5 floor space

I also built a small balcony purely for decoration.
Progress100% complete

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06/08/2024 12:41 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Heathen Fellow
Haakonzen's Avatar
Yikes! That is really impressive, the way you got all the upgraded workbenches inside a house that size. Seriously good work on that.

Also, getting a compact and good looking house from the new buildpieces, is quite impressive to me! I still struggle to build something nice with the new stuff, can't get the feel for it (yet). The good old basic wood pieces has a lovely tone to them.
06/08/2024 6:44 pm
Level 42 : Master Builder Inventor
Maleficarum's Avatar
I also struggle with the new pieces. Granted, I haven’t spent much time using them yet. Props to mythicbuilds!
06/08/2024 2:22 am
Level 42 : Master Builder Inventor
Maleficarum's Avatar
I love the tiered roof. Clever with the wolf head and the raven.
