Valheim Builds / Tower

Tower complex modded and vanilla

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Level 58 : Grandmaster Raven
So what does your mind do when you "don't feel like building a tower"? Mines goes: LET'S MAKE 3!

The safe place I made for the world boss instance on our modded server. I'm adding a modded version and a vanilla (mostly windows replaced and dividers and a lot of clutter gone) blueprint except for rotation and placement.

For the modded version, the NPCs are Marketplace, but those won't copy, the ward is WardisLove. Building packs used: Clutter, Moarbuilds, BuildIt, Odin Architect, Bagual Pack, More gates, Epicloot has been used too, but is not that important. Plant Everything has been used, but I should have removed all plants in the Blueprints.

There is a fake ceiling above the workshop which holds a yule tree and a maypole, not sure if they will copy.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by MutantArtCat 03/25/2022 9:06:38 amMar 25th, 2022

Added YT video.

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