This Build is an entry in the completed Build Contest in the Meadows of Valheim.

Valheim Builds / Advanced Base

Triquetra Inn and Viking camp

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Level 15 : Journeyman Viking
Welcome to the Triquetra Inn and Viking training camp!

This special retreat is facing the Ocean, nestled in a small triangle patch of Meadows, surrounded by Plains, Swamp and Black Forests (further away on the other end of the island are the Mountains). This is Viking Glamping at it’s finest. When you book with us you’ll learn many valuable skills, like how to properly brew your mead at Badriyah’s Brew Hosuse, learn the best ways to forage for food and identify what is edible, work at the docks and learn how to repair your ships, we will also teach you how to fish. You can rent fishing rods at the Rodfathers’s Rentals. You will learn how to make and repair your weapons and improve your archery skills at the training center. Work with our master Viking warriors to improve your fighting skills when they take you through the mini biomes to test your strength and grit. Our V.I.V.s (Very.Important Vikings) have come from far and away to help you not die by Deathsquito while out training in the Plains. After all your hard work if you have proven yourself worthy you will be given the secret password to our hidden speakeasy, where the drinks are on us for the evening. Rest assured there is no shortage of fine foods and mead aplenty at the Triquetra Inn, where we have the finest Viking chefs making exceptional Lox pies and the best bread in all of Valheim. You can then enjoy stories out by the campfire and retire to your room for the evening to rest easy in privacy.

Don’t forget before you set sail for home to visit our Traveler’s Marketplace, stop by That’s my Jam and take your partner home a jar of our renowned Queen’s jam, made from local berries we grow in our garden. You can stop by Soya’s Souvenirs and pick up a trophy or two, bragging rights without the hassle. At the Battered Bluefin you can grab the best fish wraps on the island, and eat at our outdoor dining area next to the Mushroom King’s garden and overlooking the ocean.

We do hope you enjoy your stay. Don’t forget to tell your friends!

This is a team build. I did use creative mode.

Lilly_Pad_the_Brute - Helped with the Dock House and shipyard, Bridge, and the Celtic symbol for water.

Storm_the_Hypebard - Helped with the Lighthouse Master’s house, he also helped with cleanup, fighting back the monsters, and restocking (Over 400 resin to fill all the torches).

Garllok - Designed the V.I.V home, helped with the roof concept for the Triquetra Inn and assisted with the Forge/Foundry. (Not part of the comp build but in the view is the Windmill building, he helped me build that)

I conceptualized the build, did all the other buildings and detailed everything. The views of the other biomes really made me want to do the build here. I come right up to the edge of the other biomes in some spots, but I made sure to keep everything inside the meadows. I do hope you enjoy the incredible views! I am pretty new to playing a game with this much building aspects involved and thoroughly enjoy every min I've played this game. I am by no means a master builder, but I continue to learn and try new things. I’m gearing up to do a massive scavenger hunt in this world and have many other areas built up to prepare for the future hunt. It will be open to whomever wants to come and try and solve the riddles to get the prizes. Just a fun immersive thing to enjoy.

Thank you all for watching and I’d love to hear what you think.

Video edited by Mercedes - FaeFoxArt

S.O. to Ghost for the Stone oven idea.

Follow me on all the things Eve_Morrigan
I'm a twitch streamer too,
Progress100% complete

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06/28/2021 7:33 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
I'd definitely want to visit this fancy Viking resort! lol
06/29/2021 1:48 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Viking
Thanks lol me too!
