Valheim Builds / Advanced Base

Valheim Gundam #8 FINAL!

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Shawesome's Avatar Shawesome
Level 22 : Expert Modder
Hopefully this is a slightly better video!

Docking tower Complete with weapons / 18-wheelers[ Box Delivery-Flat Bed-Fuel tanker]/cranes for repairing and moving materials / Epic Legendary Forklifts! *you can sit in them all for that smooth operator feel*

I deleted the#7 video to be less spammy on this site- it's still on youtube :D.

More guts! ( sneak peak of the shawesomest weapon mod - coming soon - Shout out to Cheb!)


Newtype: Shawesome-
Origin: Unknown

Mobile Suit Designation: 004 Black Valkyrie

Black Valkyrie utilizes new found elemental particles, scientists are calling the GodShaw Particle, as its main fuel source. The Suit takes additional advantage of Thermal, Solar, Cryo and Wind energies via the main body and the 6 wings.

The wings themselves have the capabilities to transform into a super elemental conduit/catalyst absorbing all energies mentioned previously. Each individual wing is capable of independent flight patterns and combat maneuvers as well as armed with their own supply of lasers, bombs, guns, super heated blades and shielding arrays that can extend and be amplified by the other wings to encase the entire suit with an impenetrable shield based on the systems power reserves.

The Suits Primary Weapon is the Legendary Himminafl. Its materials can only be gathered in the 10th realm.

-Ancillary Weapons-

-GSP Beam Sabers- 001 & 002 (Good 'ol 1 - 2)
-GSP Revolver - Alpha & Omega
-GSP Double-Headed Axe- Bittav'Gudene
-GSP BFG - Quasar Cannon


I hope yall enjoyed the journey with me! I hope to make more cool stuff! Thanks for watching!

*MODS Used*

(Infinity Hammer, Structure Tweaks, Gizmo, Item Stand All Items, Odin Architect , Simple elevators, Render Limits)

- Maximum Love for all the Builders and Modders who've helped me hone my abilities!

-I only ask your gpu's forgiveness for the instances if you do end up downloading it XD

210% Complete
Progress100% complete

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