Valheim Builds / Artistic

Yubaba's Bathhouse from Spirited Away

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Caeus's Avatar Caeus
Level 30 : Artisan Raven
A showcase of my build inspired by Yubaba's Bathhouse from Spirited Away.
As always, this build was done in creative mode without mods so anyone can try building it or import it straight from Buildshare.
The bathhouse can also serve as a base, providing up to 16 comfort in the main hall.
Do check out the video for a tour of the bathhouse, which shows much more than what images can do.
Progress100% complete

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07/11/2021 12:59 am
Level 27 : Expert Raspberry
GBG_GameCast's Avatar
It looks so elegantly constructed, love it!
07/11/2021 6:38 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Raven
Caeus's Avatar
Thank you!
