This Build is an entry in the completed Build Contest in the Meadows of Valheim.

Valheim Builds / Advanced Base

A Viking Tourist Trap Resort

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Level 19 : Journeyman Viking
Hi everyone,
Here is our husband and wife entry for the build contest. We did get ideas from many other builders. Please note the crown molding in Ragnor's Chambers on the fireplace. The stone arch offset in it also adds a nice depth to the scene.
The Haunted House has two One star Wraiths in it..... you will die if do not leave house and fight in the yard. We started this world just for this build, but do plan to use it for normal, out of dev mode, regular play; it was designed to do such. We did have a few events during the build, but was only forest creatures, so little damage. Currently, the rear of the build is harder to defend, but we have plans :) .
At the rear is a mountain biome, not far away is a swamp biome as well.A Viking Tourist Trap Resort Valheim Build
Progress90% complete

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01/22/2022 5:37 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
Hi. Do you share this build ? Thanks!
06/14/2021 3:28 am
Level 37 : Artisan Modder
Nice build, just make sure for enterring the contest to check the box at the bottom cause I don’t see your build in the contest entries ;-)
06/15/2021 1:52 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Viking
Thank you for catching that. I thought I had checked it before. It now is. Again, thanks :)
