Valheim Builds / Building

Eitr Refinery

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IzzyRiz's Avatar IzzyRiz
Level 33 : Artisan Viking
Black marble Eitr Refinery. Contains 2 refinery, both mistlands work stations and a couple of black metal storage boxes. This build is large enough that you could use it as a Mistlands house base instead if you just removed the refinary.
Progress100% complete

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11/26/2023 9:14 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
Magickarcher's Avatar
The pointy parts at the top keep breaking
11/27/2023 1:52 am
Level 33 : Artisan Viking
IzzyRiz's Avatar
It sounds like a structural integrity issue. Try running iron beams from the ground up, at the corners, to the pointy bits. That should help stabilize it and give it extra support. If the pointy bits show dark red when you hold the hammer, that's more than likely why.
