Valheim Builds / Building

Mountain Stronghold

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Level 34 : Artisan Viking
This is a pretty big stronghold. It's on the edge of mountains, meadows, black forest & a swamp. Endgame build. Has maxed out comfort level bedroom. A fully equipped & maxed kitchen. All the workstations, maxed out.
It's not 100% built on flat ground. There's a few levels so it's going to be a little bit awkward to place.
Structurally, it stands well in vanilla so there's a quite a lot of iron in this for stability.
I used the Dverger mod for the dverger wood beams up the centre of the black marble stairs and plant everything to add some decorations outside.
I forgot to put fermenters in there btw, sorry about that. There's plenty of space in the kitchen to add them in there though.
Progress100% complete

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