Valheim Builds / Other

Spiral stairs for your convenience

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Level 57 : Grandmaster Raven
Struggling with spiral stairs but want one anyway? Feel free to implement this one. Not perfect, but up until now, I've not been able to recreate another one, let alone a better one. Luckily I have this one and I can reuse it whenever I want and now you can to :D Screenshot taken with HD Overhaul.
Progress100% complete

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03/06/2023 11:13 am
Level 1 : New Shield Maiden
This will help lots of newer players. I spend a whole hour making a one-story spiral one point.
03/14/2023 9:10 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Raven
There's still a tiny mistake in that one ^^ But yeah, I don't bother building one myself anymore, I just use this one. It's way too much a pita to start from scratch.
