Valheim Builds / Village

Trxllege Village

  • 3,599 views, 2 today
  • 354 downloads, 0 today
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Level 20 : Expert Builder
One of my first builds coming into the game so forgive any faulty designs! Hope you enjoy the layout as much as I do! More to come as well xD
Progress100% complete

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03/31/2021 9:36 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Viking
Love this build. I downloaded it but I can't seem to get it to work. I drop it in and its too high.
04/02/2021 9:13 am
Level 20 : Expert Builder
Just saw this! I get the same problem with builds i have downloaded myself and am working to find the fix! For now i’d use the terrain feature on the build share config menu and do your best in leveling, but then again... Having the level the grown for this whole village would be a pain so if anything, i’ll drop the downloads for each individual structure and you could position them to your liking!
03/29/2021 5:39 pm
Level 1 : New Viking
Loving that main house dude! The subtle curved stair case designs definitely caught my attention from first glance! I’m excited to see what else you got!
03/29/2021 10:27 am
Level 38 : Artisan Viking Beast
I really like your solid build style with roofs coming down to the ground as well as the build with terraformed moat / raised garden.

I also like your bonfire torch design. I need to do this or something similar instead of just putting them on the ground. Doesn't take too much effort and looks great. Think I'll replace the one at our mountain base camp first.
