Valheim Builds / Village

Japanese Fantasy Spawn Village - Kokubo Mura

  • 3,536 views, 1 today
  • 170 downloads, 0 today
  • 17
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Level 27 : Expert Raspberry
Kokubo Mura, 'The little village lasting in time', is located at the spawn point of my Valheim world. Complete with pagodas, water gardens and village amenities, it's the perfect place to relax before your adventure begins....
...or is it?

to open your world file locations, you will go into your file viewer, from there you will see a 'view' function. select view hidden items, then proceed into your users/your user folders.

from there, \AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds_local. just copy the file and paste them both into the worlds local. Enjoy :)

world file
Progress100% complete

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